For Mind Body Medicine
at Massachusetts General Hospital

Research News

Research News

BHI is pleased to report on the following advancements in the realm of research:

* BHI research colleague Ana-Maria Vranceanu, PhD, received a clinical research award to test the BHI Stress Management and Resiliency Training (SMART) program with adolescents ages 12-18 who have neurofibromatosis, a genetic disorder that causes tumos to grow along various types of nerves. If the program demonstrates significant benefits,  Dr. Vranceanu plans to extend the program to develop similar services for children and for deaf patients.

*  Psychiatry residents Deanna Chaukos and Tom McCoy, and in internal medicine resident Laura Byerly, along with Darshan Mehta and John Denninger of our BHI staff have been awarded an MGH Education and Teaching Grant to implement and study the long term benefits of the SMART program for psychiatry and internal medicine interns. We are hopeful that the BHI program can provide long-term resiliency skills to these young physicians that they can use to help sustain their own busy medical careers, while also providing stress-reduction and resiliency building tools that they can use with their patients.

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