Information for Group Participants


1. What is the Mind Body Resiliency Data Repository?

Patients in the Mind Body Resiliency Clinical Groups are asked to complete two optional surveys at their group start and group end. Information and data collected from these surveys are stored in a secure online data repository called Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap). The purpose of this repository is to review responses from program patients to inform future mind body research and clinical program refinement to improve the care of patients in these programs!


2. How will my privacy be protected?


Data is analyzed in aggregate to inform future mind body research. Researchers and clinicians will not be able to view your identifiable information or individual answers. Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and oversight from the Mass General Brigham Institutional Review Board, we are required to protect the privacy of health information obtained for research.


3. How long does each survey take?

Each survey takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete and may be completed in multiple sittings (e.g., you may return to a survey if left incomplete).


4. How do I access the surveys?

Upon group registration, a personalized survey link will be sent to your provided email address. You can access the survey on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Surveys are administered in English.


5. What kind of questions should I expect to be asked?

You can expect to be asked questions related to quality of life. This includes questions aimed at measuring the following constructs: health behaviors (e.g., healthy eating, physical activity, sleep quality), resiliency, social support, emotions, and mindfulness. No answers are required; you may skip over questions if you are uncomfortable providing an answer.


6. How might I benefit from completing these surveys?

Many patients opt to complete these surveys, knowing that their answers will contribute to advances in mind body research and help to improve the quality of our programs for future participants.


If you are a researcher who may be interested in learning more about the Mind Body Resiliency Data Repository, you can find additional information about our survey battery and data use requests on the Health Promotion and Resiliency Intervention Research Program website.