Guided Relaxation Exercises
Guided Relaxation Exercises
The Benson-Henry Institute is happy to provide guided relaxation exercises to help you as you manage stress during these uncertain times. You can download individual tracks by clicking on the links. More exercises will be added, so please continue to check this page.
Mindful Walk Take a walk with Laura Malloy to appreciate your surroundings and all nature has to offer.
Desk Yoga with Laura Malloy, LICSW, C-IAYT
Working from home? The strain and stress from sitting so much can lead to muscle tension. This Desk Yoga video will help you stretch and flex to feel better.
The Garden with Katherine Rosa, PhD, FNP-BC
Focusing on a positive quality you’d like to experience more.
Connection Meditation with Peg Baim, MS, NP
This meditation encourages our connection to nature, to others and to humanity.
Safe Place, Healing Light with Peg Baim, MS, NP
This guided meditation video helps us build calm and peace during this period of social distancing.
Imagery for Strength with Laura Malloy, LICSW, C-IAYT
In uncertain times, we can drawn on our own strengths and visualize success.
Joyful Place with Katherine Rosa, PhD, FNP-BC
In this Loving Kindness meditation we develop positive thoughts for ourselves, for others and the world around us.
Harvard Health Podcasts with BHI Director Gregory L. Fricchione, MD
Stress and anxiety in the time of Covid-19. A Harvard psychiatry professor weighs in.
How to conquer your anxieties during the COVID-19 outbreak
Eliciting the Relaxation Response with Herbert Benson, MD
Audio Files
Bringing Relaxation to Your Life
Olivia Hoblitzelle, MA
- Introduction to the Relaxation Response – including key techniques such as breath-awareness, body scan relaxation and use of a focus word. Specific instructions help you develop a relaxation response practice.
- Awareness or mindfulness of sensations, thoughts, and sounds.
Building A Meditation Practice
Peg Baim, MS, NP
Healing Meditations
Leslee Kagan, MS, FNP-BC